The Department of Neonatology has a well-equipped 20 bedded level III equivalent Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. The NICU is equipped with radiant warmers, phototherapy machines, ventilators, CPAP machines, infusion pumps, vital monitors, transport incubator and in house ABG machine, ultrasound, ECHO machine and capillary bilirubinometer. We take care of extremely low birth weight (birth weight < 1000g) and very low birth babies (birth weight 1000-1499 g) along with other sick babies. We have dedicated nursing staff who takes care of the sick babies. The NICU caters to large no. of sick babies from Noida and the adjoining districts of Western UP and also from Delhi.
Newborn babies 0-28 days of life with any kind of illness are admitted in the NICU. The NICU provides treatment to babies with various illnesses like: Preterm babies, Delayed cry (birth asphyxia), Pneumonia, Meconium aspiration syndrome, Respiratory distress syndrome, Jaundice, Diarrhea, Renal problems, Infections (sepsis), Convulsions, Infant of diabetic mother.
Breastfeeding and lactation counselling is given to lactating mothers
A separate OPD for newborn babies is held in the OPD
Cashless Scheme Available
Ayushman Bharat scheme
Details of Service charges
Rs. 500/- per day for NICU bed charges
Academic Activities
IAP/NNF workshop on basic neonatal resuscitation in August 2017
First Annual CME in Neonatology: Update 2017 on 5th November 2017
59th Annual PEDICON: 19th to 23rd March 2022
Advanced neonatal ventilation workshop on 19th March 2022
Newborn week celebration 15th to 21st November 2024
Upcoming Events:
Advanced NRP provider course in March 2025
Courses and Training offered
The Department imparts training to MD (Pediatrics) students in neonatal care
The unit also offers fellowship to 02 doctors and 04 nurses every year in Neonatology which is recognized by National Neonatology Forum of India (NNF).
The Department is currently conducting research on the “Parental factors and maternal multi-nutrient levels in small for gestational age babies admitted in NICU”. The project is funded by the Science and Engineering Research board (SERB)
The Department is in the process of establishing a lactation management unit (LMU) and comprehensive lactation management center (Milk Bank) in the Department
The department will also conduct research in various fields of neonatology to generate as well as strengthen the evidence in neonatal care